Monday, December 8, 2008

Food Glorious Food - by Leah's Mum

Leah's in bed so I thought I'd post on her behalf and tell you all about the foods she has been eating. Leah turned 5 months old last week and since she gave up the bottle at only 2 months old we've been trying other methods of getting food down her so that when I go back to work she doesn't have a miserable time being very hungry. My daughter appears to be extremely 'strong-willed' (we're not allowed to say stubborn) so I don't know how long she'd go before she gave in and took the bottle, she's already outbattled her Dad for 7 hours so we're not taking the risk.

So we've tried:
Rice Cereal - no problems but very boring and little nutritional value
Oatmeal Cereal - as above, slightly more nutritional value

Then one blender and a visit to the Farmer's Market later we had:
Sweet potato - lots of happy faces, grabbing the spoon
Apples - probably the favourite so far, initial concern after the sweet potato but now slurps it down like it's the best chocolate
Butternut squash - initially fooled by the orange colour and thinking it was sweet potato we've now consigned this to the 'try later' shelf. I'm not sure if it's the thicker texture or just the taste but about as much comes out as goes in
Pluot - without doubt the messiest to make (a purple splashed kitchen prompted the swap from a hand blender to a food processor) it also has a slightly sharp taste which can produce some great faces from the Little One.

I've also made pears and courgettes (zucchini to you American chums), I'm reluctant to try the pears until we've had some more success with vegetables but having tasted the courgette I just can't imagine she's going to go for that if she's turning her nose up at butternut squash. I'm limited to seasonal veg that I can get down the market which luckily has more choice than seasonal veg in the UK at this time of year but still.

So any suggestions? I was thinking Cauliflower maybe? Carrots are on the no-no list I believe, something to do with nitrates.

have been assigned to the 'will try again later' section of the freezer
Pears are a huge success

Carrots are next, nitrates or no nitrates!

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